Thursday, August 19, 2010

Can i get some landscaping advice?

the one thing i miss about living up north is the big christmas-tree type trees (spruces, etc.)...they don't grow well down here in florida because of the humidity. so i was thinking...what if a buy a bulk lot of artificial christmas trees and plant them in my yard? i could have an entire artificial forest in my front lawn.

what kind of maintenance would they require? will i have to replace branches when they rust out? any tips would be appreciated here. Can i get some landscaping advice? the hell out of the thousand pink flamingos you got there now.Just make sure you have flood insurance on those trees. I am sure a hurricane will come along amd wipe them out for you and you can start all over again.Can i get some landscaping advice?
im sorry i dont know much in landscaping but i have had many trees in my backyard back where i used to live in NY and they werent too high maintenance just every month or so you needed to get them sprayed to prevent any bugs from eating those things up alive!!

LMFAO god iam such a dumbasss! ignore this completely! LMAO
DO IT. Put some lights up too. You will be the hero of your neighborhood!

I would miss the green too, I'm in upstate NY. It already snowed here once, that sucks. How about we trade apartments for a few months.... there are plenty of evergreens where I am. Flamingos sound nice... :0)
I'll give ya a tip, hang a pine cone and a light on it and stuff it!

(That was said in the greatest of love, I promise.)

What an awesome idea..I am from the Nether regions myself and would feel the need for green as well. (oops, I meant northern regions..wt..) I suggest lighting them up once they rust, and roast a couple chestnuts..
LMAO!!! I've got nothing, but living where I do the image of an artificial tree forest in the front yard is hilarious!!!

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