Thursday, August 19, 2010

My mom wont let me get a puppy any advice?

ok i have a dog, (and two cats) that ive had for about four years but when my step dad moved in my dog, sassy, hasnt slept on my bed or anything. she seems to like my step dad better. now i want another dog, a puppy, but my mom wont let me. im 13 and pretty responsible, i do dishes and clean my room and sometimes help mow the lawn. i dont understand why i cant have a puppy, any advice??My mom wont let me get a puppy any advice?
how about trying to form a bond with the dog you already have! walk your dog, feed your dog, bathe your dog, sleep with your dog, teach her some new tricks doesnt matter if shes not a puppy i just taught my 5 year old to spin, we bonded. try to form a connection with the dog you already have instead of getting a new one and forgetting about sassy.My mom wont let me get a puppy any advice?
Live and love with the pets you already have. There's no saying which animal may like which human best. There's no reason to say if you got a new puppy, it wouldn't attach itself to you mom or stepdad.

And it's certainly not a good reason for a new pet if you already have several. Try spending more time with your dog: playing, taking her for walks, training her, so she associates you with fun and play. Maybe she just felt a little neglected (it happens sometimes) or your stepdad was there more often than you (if you're 13, well, busy school schedule).
show her that you are really really dedicaded to the dogs and you are very responsibel.try feeding you dog that you have now take him for walks clean up its messes and give him baths.look up nice breeders and show your mom them that will convince her to.

i got my own first puppy in secong grade and my own second one this year!
Why get another dog if you already have one? Puppies are a big responsibility and require a lot of attention. I would wait until you are living on your own and can have the time to raise a pup. The only time I would consider getting another dog is if the other one dies. Dogs cost money and require regular visits the vet.
well think about this....

if you get another dog you will have alot of responsibility with the animals and school and your social life and of course your parents finances... maybe your parents just can't afford a new dog and you also have to consider how the other animals will react to a new animal.
aww that stinks that your dog likes someone else

well when i wanted a pet i did a presentation for my mom and dad. like what to feed it.

my daily schedual with it


just everything like that and i got the pet (:

good luck! dont give up haha!

im your age so i get what your going through!!!
If ur mom wont let u get a puppy coz ur irrespnsible then u have to prove her wrong, but, if it is not the reason, give her some time o think abot it.

IM sure she'll come around.

If none of these work, you know ur mom best, and you know what will change her mind
yeah, wait untill you move out then you wont have as many things to take care of, AND they wont have anyone else to become attached to besides you.
yeah i have advice for you, grow up and get over it. if your mom says no then you have to respect her wishes and dont bug her about it.
I won't if I were you, because the next dog just might end up like the last one. so spend some more time with your dog and I'm sure that your dog will come back to you soon.

good luck!!!
If your mom says no than no.

Why not try to become closer to the dog you already have?
I advise you not to get another dog.
kill yourself
I can relate with you. I was 13 when I got my puppy and we already had many other animals in the house, but wanted one of my own. I got one of course, and I seriously can't imagine life without my dog. But at the same time, I'd have to admit I wasn't a responsible kid. I hated cleaning my room/doing chores (and I still do!) Yet, when I got a puppy I raised her propely and trained her well. She's actually one of the most well behaved dogs I've even know.

My point is..responsibility is wayyy beyond cleaning your room and doing the dishes. Responsibility is knowing what your getting into. Puppies are nice to have around, but don't forget..that puppy wont be a puppy for long. Dogs are a lot to take care of, more then you may imagine..I've learned that. You are responsible for another life. A life that needs attention, training, affection, and etc. You can't just get a puppy, play with it when you have time and then ignore it the rest of the time. And it's definatly not something you can pawn off on other people when you don't want ot take care of it. Your mom is probably worried that you'll get the puppy, love it the first week and then get bored, which in turn really makes her responsible for the puppy. When I first got my dog I must have spent all my free time, even more, bonding and training her. I even had to give up going places because of her. I'm not saying not to get a puppy, but I'm not say that you should. I'm just saying, you need to really think about what your getting into.

Also, I think a huge sign of responsibility would be to respect your mother's decision. She doesn't just say no to be a meanie, I'm sure there is a reason. ;)

Anyway, this isn't something to take lightly. If you really want a puppy, I respect that..just make sure to really research! And if you do get a puppy I wish you good luck and make sure to rescue a puppy from the shelter! They need love too! =D

If you have any questions reguarding dogs I recommend going to the forum on this site:

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