Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Please could I get some pram advice?

I live in London and don't drive so something that can get on a bus easily, lightweight, good functions. Pref a car seat option in case I go in a car some time. Also with some space for shopping bags. Thanks!Please could I get some pram advice?
In your circumstances I would get your car seat seperate. Leave iut in teh box even in case you never use it so you can return it lol. The strollers(prams) with car seat attachments generally do not fit into buses etc. Get just a simple umbrella stroller, they are fairly cheap and still reliable and SMALL.Please could I get some pram advice?
Why not buy a travel system? This is like a pushchair which has a car seat attachment also and they tend to be rather lightweight.

Have a look at the link below for examples of travel systems.
an umbrealla stroller is your best bet. I have a stroller that has the car seat attachment and they are are fairly large, bulky and kinda heavy, not something I would ever want to try and bring on a bus.

You can get some very nice and sturdy umbrella strollers that are fairly cheap. We had one from Graco and it was under $50. It folded up really compact and it was able to be done with one hand, very lightweight.

You can get car seats fairly cheap if you are not going for all the frills they can have on them. Just get a basic car seat as you won't be using it often or probably even at all. Keep it in its box with reciept taped to the side incase you do not need it and then return if you want! It is much cheaper to buy seperate than together if you do not plan on using one of the items.
Check out the Uppababy Vista... my sister in law just got one and it's got tons of options. Great for buses, subways, etc.
Posy %26amp; Chums 0131 346 0077 Sue is very helpful


This is what we got very happy and very compact
I would go to one of the major department stores and try out all the prams. See how heavy they are and how easy they are to fold. What is great for one person is not always as good for another. Even if you buy online i would always try out the pram in a shop first. You might find it easier to use a sling for the first few months .An umbrella buggy is great for a toddler but not for a young baby. If you don't drive I would not buy a car seat as it is quite expensive to get a good one. Some taxi firms have seats that they can use for you and if you rent a car then you can rent a seat at the same time from the company. I hope this helps you.
i would advise any of the maclaren prams, xt in particular if you want one from birth. i live in london and know what you mean about needing a light easy pram, so id recommend this one. there is also a different version which you can use with a car seat its called xlr. if you look on kiddicare.com or 2leftfeet.co.uk you can get them cheaper than in shops. hope that helps.
If you have the cash, get a Bugagoo Bee. Lightweight, very easy to use, high tech brilliance. They are available in the UK from Feb.
Check out the Quinny Zapp, it should be cheaper in the UK it is pretty pricey here.

It takes a carseat and it is said to be the smallest when folded. Sadly it doesn't have cargo room


i wud get a stroller or quinny zapp but the

quinny zapp the seat is fixed upright so its no good for a newborn. i wud get a bebecomfort wen the baby can face you aswell as being small and light

good luck and a happy new year
Hey , I got the Cosatto Converto travel system from toysrus its lightweight and for 拢230 u get the pram which can be used as a carriage pram, carseat pram and umbrella buggy when the baby gets older. I get complimented on the pram as the design is so nice.

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