Saturday, July 31, 2010

Can I get advice and how to renew the harmony in my marriage?

This is driving me little crazy, I try to get close to my husband but he is cold, he will help me, and provide but when it comes to the feelings part he is not there, if I speak he says that I talk to much, If I want to hugh him, he is busy, If I ask him if he loves me he says he does but then he mumbles something and when I ask he changes the subject, He is very short on his words, I cannot complain about the kids, he is awsome with him,intimatelly he is not into it. He has sleeping issues, and If I want to kiss him even after brushing and using listerine He will either say I have bad bread and push me away or he just won't kiss back. we used to hugh eachother at night now he sleeps on oneside and I sleep in the other. he constantly critizises my wheight even though I am dieting, and this month I'm fasting because of ramadan. He is from another country so he has not told his parents about us, the kids are from my first marriage, my daughter has downsyndrome, and sometimes he comentsCan I get advice and how to renew the harmony in my marriage?
Sad to say, but it appears you married a man that is just plain not into expressing deep feelings and emotions. Most men are uncomfortable with expressing and talking about feelings. It does not mean they are incapable of feeling, just uncomfortable talking about it. Your husband sounds way to the extreme with him being forthcoming with his feelings. It is so sad that just after barely 4 months of marriage he is already displaying this type of behaviour. This leads me to believe that he was this way even before you married him. Did you think once he married you that you would be able to change him. It sounds as if you feel the need to make him appreciate marrying you, as if you need to make him feel happy he did, this is sad. The marriage is already heading in the wrong direction so soon after saying ';I do';. I see no other alternative but for you both to seek help from a professional has it is perplexed to see he already has displayed anger, resentment, lack of respect and feelings of disappointment. I do wish you the very best and hope all eventually will work out.Can I get advice and how to renew the harmony in my marriage?
I don't have a answer for you, but I do have a resorce for you to contact. It's worked for some of my freinds.

A good father treats the mother with respect. He does not respect you...he is emotionally and verbally abusing you. harmony comes when two people unite in one purpose. You can not do this because one of you will not unite. I suggest calling a local YWCA or other local women's abuse group and talk to them.
It sounds like there are allot of issues in your family. Getting married and moving into a family as a stranger is hard, especially in the beginning. Throw in the fact that one of your children has special needs, would make it even more difficult.

The key to any relationship is communication. Somehow you have to get him to talk to you. You can't fix something if you don't know what is wrong. Letting him know you love him, letting him know that you know something is wrong and you want to work on it, letting him know that you understand it is hard will help.
I have no easy answer for you. What I can tell you is the truth is you cannot change who he is. You need to decide if you will love him the way he is, or move on. Good luck.
  • lipstick kiss
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